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Welcome to my site. I’m a New York-based fashion industry professional and aspiring eco-friendly human.

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How to Intentionally Curate Your Style

How to Intentionally Curate Your Style

Have you ever looked in your closet and thought, ‘Nothing really goes together…’ You may have cute clothes that you love, but not much of it really matches, or it just doesn’t really excite you.

I definitely used to think that way about my closet, but there’s actually some pretty simple steps to organize your closet, and your mindset (both while getting dressed and while shopping) that will make your closet more cohesive, and more YOU. Here’s how:

List Your Adjectives 

What describes you? Are you sporty, minimalistic, active? Are you whimsical, colorful, bold? Make a list of 10 adjectives that describe you / the style you want to achieve! But always remember to make them YOU. Pick things that you love and not what you feel you should be. 

Find Inspiration 

What brands / designers are described by these adjectives? Are there any bloggers with a similar style? Write down 5-7 brands and 5-7 bloggers that have the same vibe! Then, give them a follow and pin some photos from them to a Pinterest board so you can go back later! 

Some of the photos on my board are below!

Make it Physical  

Remember those photos above? If you’re a super visual person like I am, go grab a foam-core board from any office/craft store and print all those photos out and collage them all on! Youll be able to see it everyday when you’re getting dressed or online shopping and can visually see what you’re aiming for 

Do a Cleanse  

Now the hard part. Take that board into your closet and go through item-by-item. Is it relevant? Can you style it with other pieces to look like “your style”? Consider donating or selling pieces on Poshmark that just aren’t you anymore 

Make a Shopping List  

Now that you’ve made a little room, make a list of pieces that might be missing in your wardrobe. Do you need more dresses? A good blazer? Make a physical list of key pieces you need, and you can purchase them gradually when the perfect match comes along! This ensures that you’ll be on the lookout only for pieces that you really need and not just buying cute cheap clothing without an aim.

Don’t Be Too Strict

If you see a certain top that doesn’t fit “your style” but you love it, buy it! Wear it! All this is just a general guideline so that your closet looks cohesive and is easy to mix-and-match, but always feel free to experiment!  

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