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July Empties

July Empties

We are quickly nearing the end of July, wow it went by fast! I finished up a few good products this moth and thought it would do a quick mini review of each!

1. Macadamia Flawless 6-in-1 Cleansing Conditioner 

I was a bit skeptical of this one at first, so I chose to test out the smaller-sized version before committing to a full size. It doesn't lather at all, but it's actually amazing! If you need to simplify your hair routine and clean out your hair from product-overload, grab one of these!

2. Neutrogena Skin-clearing Mineral Powder

I bought this along with the matching liquid foundation and concealer pen, and I loved all three! As far as drugstore face-makeup goes, Neutrogena has some of the best products! All three are made with salicylic acid, which fights breakouts throughout the day!

3. Maybelline Master Precise Liner

In the realm of eyeliner pens, this one is a strong contender! It doesn't stay all day, but longer than most drugstore options, and it has one of the thinnest tips, which makes it great for getting the perfect cat eye!

4. Benefit They're Real Mascara

I wrote about this mascara in my Rollerlash vs They're Real faceoff, and I'm writing about it again because it's still, in my opinion, one of the best mascaras on the market. It has incredible separation and lengthening power! 

5. Aveeno Active Naturals Nourish + Moistuize Shampoo and Conditioner

Last but not least, I picked up these two because I'm a cult follower of Aveeno's Positively Radiant Moisturizer and I wanted to test out their other products! I can't say they were "life changing" but they were very good, and I could tell a definite difference in the overall quality of my hair. I would absolutely recommend these!

What products have you emptied this month?

Remember to enter my GIVEAWAY!! Only 5 days left to enter!!



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